So every year in the fall Jeremy and I will take a mini-vacation. The past two years we have gone to Charlottesville, Va but this year Jeremy said he wanted to surprise me and so he made arrangements not telling me what they were, just that I was to pick him up from the airport after his business trip to PA. He managed to keep the destination secret for over two months…then I get an email from United Airlines the Friday before we were supposed to leave informing me of my “upcoming trip to Chicago”, busted! (And I informed Jeremy as such with a text message promptly after receiving the email). We had both talked about wanting to go to Chicago sometime as neither of us had ever gotten farther than the O’Hare airport so this was a great surprise.
So Friday afternoon I head to the airport and we fly out (first class! Yay upgrades!) around 5pm. The awesome thing about first class is the unlimited beverages…including wine, which we both took full advantage of on the flight 😉 We landed in Chicago at 6pm Central time, made our way to the subway and picked up a 3-day unlimited transit pass (definitely the best value for a weekend, $14 for unlimited rides vs $1.50 per ride otherwise, and since we were planning on using public transport as our primary transportation this worked well for us, no worries about running out of fare on your transit card). Our hotel, The W – City Center is on the blue line which comes straight out of the airport, so a 30ish minute ride and a bit of wandering later we made it to our hotel and checked into the room. The lounge/bar/lobby of the W was pretty busy with the cocktail crowd but we’d had enough wine on the plane so we headed up to our room.
This room is so cool, I *love* the decor, very modern and graphic, but cosy too. Instead of the bed being perpendicular to the door when you walk in it’s facing you and the first thing you see walking in, definitely a focal point with its dramatic under-bed lighting. There’s lots of cool mood lighting and the lampshades have screenprinted text of various words that start with “w” (wish…their main slogan word, welcome, wonderland, wordplay, etc.) and an art/light piece with the quote “life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” So overall a very swanky, very cool room.
This morning we woke up early (for this timezone, around 730) and went to breakfast at a local diner. They had all the classic diner breakfast items, Jeremy had pancakes and sausage, I had a spinach and feta omlette with flat-top hash brown potatoes (so good! crunchy golden brown deliciousness) and toast. After that filling breakfast we headed to the number 6 bus that took us on a scenic ride following the lakeshore down to the Museum of Science and Technology.
The museum was very busy and even though we got there right when they opened at 930 we still had to wait about 15 minutes in line to get in, but there were enough distractions of exhibit advertisements and people watching that it wasn’t too bad. They had just started their holiday exhibition so the main lobbies were decked out with dozens of Christmas trees (each themed as a different country), a nice way to start out the holiday season. There are dozens of interacive exhibits, from the human body and genomes to farming technology, trains, planes (including an entire 727 you can walk through) but my favorite area was the storm and weather area. There were cool simulated tornadoes, explanation of how lightning and static electricity works, and demos of a miniature tsunami showing how different types of coastlines affect the waves.
Around noon we left the museum in search of food and after a quick consultation on Yelp and Urbanspoon we decided on The Nile restaurant, a Middle Eastern place, about two blocks from the museum with a very well reviewed red lentil soup. So we take a quick walk to the restaurant and try to order a “lighter” lunch since we are going to a nice dinner this evening at L20. With that in mind, Jeremy and I split a bowl of the red lentil soup (which definitely lived up to its reputation, savory, earthy, hearty…although it was yellow not red, not sure how that works), a cucumber and yogurt salad with various herbs in it (also very tasty) then we both got pitas, mine with chicken, Jeremy’s with beef and lamb. Both pitas had yogurt, tomatoes, thin slices of pickle and red onion along with the marinated and seasoned meat, and the pita was grilled/pressed making the outside toasty and crunchy but the inside still soft, yum! And to top it off the whole meal was under $20, a very good deal for the amount of food they gave you.
After lunch we decided to take the 6 back uptown and we wandered along the river and lakefront, snapping some photos of the city and its cool and varied architecture along the way. We’ll relax at the hotel until 6 then we’re taking the complementary “Acura experience” chauferred car (you watch a marketing video apparently during your ride) to dinner at L20 (tasting menu here we come!) 🙂
Istanbul – Day 5
Doug and Elif’s wedding wasn’t until 6:30 in the evening so the 7 of us had most of the day for exploring, so we decided to venture to the largest of the Princes’ Islands. The ferry ride was an hour and a half, leaving from the southernmost end of the European side of Istanbul and it stopped at each of the smaller islands before dropping us of at the main island a bit before lunchtime. I had been thinking this would be a light energy-expenditure day so I (and Jeremy) wore jeans, which we soon learned was not the best idea as the monastery, the main attraction on the island, is at the top of the mountain. When you stepped off the ferry there were bike rental shops and horse-drawn taxi carriages waiting for all the tourists coming off, we tried asking one of the drivers if they went to the monastery but I think we ended up annoying him or something and he said no he didn’t go there (we later found out that the base of the mountain where the monastery is was in fact exactly where he, and all the other carriages, were going…lost in translation, oh well) so we decided to walk.
We knew that we had to go up but we didn’t see a specific or marked path to take so we just took the first “up” we saw, which was a small side stairwell that ascended about 40 feet up the mountain, we followed that, then another path through the residential area and then ended up out on what appeared to be a park path that also ascended at a non-trivial grade. There was lots of dusty paths and scrubby pine trees, a few very nice views, but definitely far from the seaside residential area we had just came out of. As we arrived to the top of the hill/mountain (it seemed more mountainous the longer we climbed) we came upon one vista and to our chagrin, saw (what we thought was) the monastery two mountains/hills away, damn. So we continued on back down the mountain and came back into a residential area which soon turned into a regular paved road and we again encountered the horse-drawn carriages, at last we had reached the base of the mountain (turns out the tower we saw was a more modern structure). So we, along with many other tourists, began the trek up the mountain, it only took 15 or 20 minutes to get to the top, probably a 30% grade most of the way up, but seems a lot longer when you’re a bit out of shape 😉 We looked around the outside of the monastery, then headed to the restaurant to rehydrate and refuel while enjoying some pretty spectacular views of the sea and distant Istanbul. We ordered beer, melon (I think it was honeydew, some of the sweetest I’ve ever had), I ordered fried eggplant (no breading, just the vegetable fried) with a yogurt sauce, a few of the guys had sausages. Overall it was a very tasty meal, probably made even more tasty due to the fact that we were hot, tired and hungry.
We made the trek back down but opted to follow the carriages most of the way down, which kept us in the residential area the whole time rather than re-ascending the nearby mountain…essentially we had gone over when everyone else had gone around the base of the island. We hopped on the ferry and were back in just enough time to get cleaned up for the wedding, hopped in taxis at 5:30pm and headed down to a pier at the Bospherous to wait for the hotel water taxi to bring us across the water to the wedding/reception site, a beautiful old, white stone hotel right on the banks of the Asian side of the water.
The boat that picked us up was quite swank, all wood trim inside so as we climbed in and rode across in our suits and dresses it felt very James Bond-esque. When we got to the other side we were led through the hotel lobby to a covered open-air patio where cocktails were being served. Apparently the theme was green drinks (according to Doug they were the hotel’s specialties), mojitos, green apple martinis with cinnamon stick garnish, and a bright green vodka-based drink (no idea what the mixer was, something sweet and candy-like). There were also pistachios, hazelnuts and (oddly) corn nuts on the cocktail tables and small appetizers were passed around (a salmon and avocado on a cracker, eggplant in a pasty shell and a bruschetta). We stuck together for most of the cocktail hour but were separated into twos and threes for dinner which was on a lower open-air patio right on the water, it was truly a gorgeous setting. Jeremy and I sat with some of Elif’s cousins and their significant others (one, in fact, was getting married the next day). Doug and Elif came down the stairs around 7:30 and danced their first dance together (didn’t recognize the song), then dinner was served as the bride and groom went around greeting and visiting with each of the tables. The first course was a series of traditional mezes, followed by a seafood canelloni, then beef medallions with potatoes and green beans. Wine was freely being poured the entire time and after the main course everyone had worked up enough gumption to get up on the dance floor as the dance music started playing (during dinner they were playing a great mix of Harry Connick Jr. and jazz). Nearly everyone at the reception (about 150 all told) were dancing. There was a fun mix of both American pop music and Turkish traditional dance music. We were encouraged to join during the traditional music, all of us joining hands and going in big circles around the bride and groom, and generally just having a fun time, language was no barrier here. After a half hour or so of dancing they cut the cake (a chocolate cake with a cream/strawberry filling) and served Turkish tea or coffee. During this time the trays of vodka-based shots were also making their way around, emboldening those on the dance floor. Everyone danced until about midnight, when the party wrapped up and we headed back to the hotel water taxi (after a celebratory passing around of a bottle of raki before we boarded). We arrived back at the hotel, agreed to meet up at 10am for the next day’s touring adventures and headed to bed.
Istanbul – Day 4
After a bit of a slow start in the morning everyone but Elif (went with her cousin to do pre-wedding stuff) and Ray (recovering from the night before) headed down to explore the boardwalk next to the Bospherous. It’s amazing the size of the two bridges that cross between the European and Asian continents, granted the ships that have to pass underneath them are ridiculously huge as well. We walked along the water for a while, stopped at a waffle shop for a sweet lunch of fresh thin waffles with (what I believe was) pudding and fruit, eaten like a big thick taco, very sweet but very tasty, everyone was on a sugar high for the next hour or so. We then took a taxi to the Spice Bazaar where we met up with Ray, Elif and Kay. We split up as we did at the Grand Bazaar and myself, Jeremy, Ray, Oliver, Erin and Mike headed into the bazaar, we emerged with a few of us carrying small vacuum-sealed bags of spices, and some Turkish delight. This was the first time I’d actually had Turkish delight and before this I had no idea what it actually was, I’d only ever heard of it as what Edmund was tempted with by the White Witch in C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; turns out it is (granted with many, many possible variations) a chewy cross between gelatin and nougat, typically mixed with nuts and rolled in powdered sugar. We were given samples of one made with honey rather than sugar and I think that made the taste so much richer and less overpoweringly sweet. After reconvening in front of yet another (unnamed) beautiful mosque, grabbing a snack of grilled corn (there are vendors everywhere selling this) and splitting a sesame bagel-like bread, we made the trek to our next destination, the Turkish baths.
The Turkish Baths were quite an unusual experience, but definitely fun. We went to one of the oldest bath houses in Istanbul, Cemberlitas Hamami, built by Mimar Sinan in 1584. After selecting one of three options, either a “self-wash” for 35 TL, the traditional “bath” for 55 TL (this is what I, Elif and Kay, Doug’s mom, got), or the bath plus oil massage for 95 TL (Erin upgraded to this) the men and women were separated into different sections of the building (apparently the men went to the original section of the building, the women were in a more recently built part). We were escorted to a dressing room where we were shown lockers to store our belongings, given a thin towel and a disposable bathing suit bottom to put on (apparently the guys were just given the towel) and comfy rubber sandals. Once properly outfitted we were taken to the main bathing room which is a large, steamy, open room with a giant circular warmed marble slab in the center. The marble is higher in the center than on the outsides so the water can run off and we were instructed to lay along one outside edge on our towels. We laid there for 10 minutes or so and then each of us was given a marvelous massage/scrubbing by one of the women working at the bath, first with a rough cloth (it was crazy the amount of dead skin and city grime they managed to scrub off of you, and your skin is amazingly soft after it) then with a soft cloth and lots of lemongrass/balsam scented bubbles. You then were rinsed off with buckets of water, guided over to a nearby fountain where you sat and had your hair washed and then (at least the women) were shown to a warm pool to hang out and relax for as long as we wanted (the girls waited here while Erin had her massage). Then we returned to the ante-room of the main bathing area, were given fluffy warm towels to dry off and went upstairs to change back into our street clothes and then reconvened with all the guys.
Elif, Doug and Kay parted ways with us after the baths to go to dinner with Elif’s extended family while the rest of us wandered through the city for a bit back towards the Spice Bazaar where we had dinner at a kebab restaurant recommended to us by our tour guide the day before. We had a similar selection of mezes (only chose 4 this time) then we each had an entree (Jeremy and I split a larger version of the Turkish “pizza” we had the first night and a lamb kebab), wine (note to self, ask how much the wine is before ordering it, 60 TL per bottle was a bit steep), and ended the evening with Turkish tea (or coffee in Mike’s case, which is like other European-style coffees, very strong and served in very tiny cups) and a variety of baklava that was like angel-hair phyllo dough wrapped around honeyed pistachios. One more speedy cab ride (Mike, Erin, Jeremy and I in one cab, Ray, Randy and Oliver in the other…throughout all the cab rides today, 3 in total, ours always arrived at our destination first, we would totally win this leg on Amazing Race) and we were back to the hotel, checking email, and agreed to meet up at 9am for breakfast the next morning and afterwards we would take the ferry to visit the Prince’s Islands off the coast for the day before the wedding festivities in the evening.
Istanbul – Day 3
The morning started off with everyone congregating downstairs and making use of the free wifi in the lobby to catch up on email etc. before our continental Turkish breakfast included with the price of our rooms. We en-masse headed into the dining room where there was a spread of tomatoes, cucumbers, and three kinds of breakfast breads, standard white and wheat slices, a tasty yeast roll and a phyllo-dough pastry. Not wanting to neglect any variety of carbohydrate I took one of each, along with fixing a cup of Turkish tea. So throughout the course of this trip I’ve learned I am a big fan of Turkish tea. It’s brewed very very strong and is served alongside a pot of hot water (frequently it is served in a special double-spout kettle). The idea is you dilute the tea with the hot water to your taste, then add sugar cubes if desired. Most folks didn’t know this was either a) tea and not coffee or b) supposed to be diluted so we all had some pretty strong first tastes of Turkish tea (although Jeremy, who does not like coffee or most American teas, enjoys the Turkish tea undiluted, saying it is the only tea he’s had that doesn’t taste too watered down), now we have learned “how to take tea” and many of us order it at every meal.
Following breakfast we reunited with Elif’s parents, Kay and Elif’s aunt, along with Elif’s uncle and cousin and headed onto our minibus for our tour. We visited:
-Hippodrome – No longer surrounded by stands, this has the feel of a small park sandwiched between the Blue Mosque and Haga Sophia, with the only remnants of the stadium being the three ancient monuments lined up in the center of the ring.
-Blue Mosque – Still an active mosque, everyone must remove their shoes and place them in a plastic bag before entering, gorgeous interior
-Haga Sophia – Now a museum, no longer an active place of worship, amazing tiling and mosaic work
-Underground Cisterns – Very cool (and dark) underground water resevoir with dozens of aligned Roman columns holding up the ceiling.
-Sultan’s Palace – A series of 3 courtyards with various administrative and support buildings, beautiful views of the water
-Grand Bazaar – The bazaars are very interesting places, think narrow (10 feet or so) halls with shops on either side and people *everywhere*. In general there are probably a few dozen or so types of items sold at the bazaars but there are hundreds of vendors for each thing. We’ve been told you are expected to haggle with the sellers as they price their items about twice what they are expecting to sell them for, I found a cool silver case to hold my business cards in with (what I’m told) is a traditional Turkish pattern on the front, haggled from 15 TL to 10 TL.
Before visiting the Sultan’s palace we had traditional kebabs at a local restaurant served along a white bean salad and the most excellent indescribable dessert, it was maybe bulgar (or something else resembling couscous in size and texture) mixed with honey and maybe some kind of nut, it was compacted enough you could cut small slices out of it but wow was it tasty.
The tour lasted from 9:30 until 6 and then we reconvened at 7 to meet up with Elif’s college friends and cousins at a restaurant in the Taksim area of Istanbul, which is a pedestrian high-end shopping and restaurant district and also one of the main nightlife hotspots. All told there were 20 of us sitting in the outside seating area of the restaurant, which served a fixed menu of dozens of meze as well as more “entree” style items like liver, flash fried small fish that’s indigenous to the Bospherous, and meat and rice served in rolled grape leaves. This meal was also accompanied by raki or beer or Turkish wine (had both a Cabernet and a Merlot, both quite good) and ended with watermelon, nectarines, grapes and fresh figs (this was the first time I’d ever had a fresh fig, so much better than a Fig Newton!). Afterwards we decided to split up into two groups, folks who wanted a quieter spot to talk (Elif wanted to catch up with her friends) and those who wanted to check out more of the night life, Jeremy and I went along with Elif, Doug and Elif’s friends to a coffee/tea bar on the top floor of an apartment building that had 270 degree views of the Bosphorous, quite an amazing sight at night. Jeremy discussed world politics with Elif and her friends while Doug and I caught up on what we’d been doing the past few months, it was a great, laid back time. We agreed at the beginning of the night to meet in the morning at 9:30 for breakfast, this was not the most awesome idea by the time the night ended around 2am but oh well.
Istanbul – Days 1 and 2
Our flight left Dulles around 5:15pm, we arrived (courtesy of a 115mph tailwind) about half an hour early to Frankfurt where we headed to the Lufthansa lounge for a few hours before our flight to Istanbul. After a half hour delay, and a very odd musical chairs of checking our tickets and allowing us to sit in the gate waiting area, then having everyone file back out and rechecking our tickets before boarding, we got onto the 3? hour flight to Istanbul where both Jeremy and I fell asleep for a good portion of the flight after our second breakfast. We arrived in Istanbul around 1:30, acquired our $20 visas, went through customs, found our checked bags (in less than 5 minutes, was quite awesome) and located our shuttle driver by about 3pm.
We had about an hour ride to the hotel from the airport where we were first introduced to the driving experience in Istanbul…
1) lines on the pavement? more guidelines than rules
2) Honking is used to indicate frustration, location, gratitude and greetings or all of the above at the same time, if the guy behind, next to or in front of you honks, you should respond accordingly
3) Pedestrians take their life into their own hands crossing the street, the cars will not yield for you until you are standing in front of them
4) You must be thisclose to the car in front of you, any extra space is not allowed; accordingly, if there is a gap between you and the next car while you’re moving make sure to close that space in as little time as possible
5) (and this is according to our Turkish tourguide) Turks are colorblind, red, yellow, green…they are all the same
Overall the taxi and/or shuttle rides are very entertaining, a few folks have taken video of the cab rides, if I can find one I will link to it later.
When we got to the hotel Doug and Elif called up to our room once we had checked in and coordinated that we would meet up with everyone for dinner at 8pm at a restaurant within walking distance from the hotel. We had about 3 hours to kill, so there was definitive napping occurring pre-dinner then we met up with everyone in the lobby at 8 and got to meet the rest of the “USA” group staying at the hotel: Mike, Boston co-worker of Doug and his girlfriend Erin, Oliver, high school friend of Doug, Ray, co-worker from Williamsburg and Boston (and the next morning Randy, friend of Doug and co-worker with Ray). We walked a few blocks to an open-air restaurant where we met Elif’s parents, Doug’s mom Kay, Elif’s aunt and grandparents. Dinner was a smorgasboard of Turkish cuisine. We started with mezzes (appetizers/tapas) along with baskets of a flat bubbly bread topped with black sesame seeds which, according to Elif’s dad, you are supposed to tear open and fill with the goat’s milk cheese and butter, then roll up and enjoy. The bread is sort of like a thin empty brick-fired naan, the cheese is sort of like a mild feta in flavor and texture and between that and the creamy butter and the crispy and chewy bread, a very fun play on texture and tasty to boot. Next were the curry-spiced lamb and bulgur hand-formed meatballs which you ate wrapped in a lettuce leaf, “Turkish pizza” with a savory unknown meat topping, tomato salad with a vinagrette, fried meatballs with lamb and broccoli, sauteed eggplant with olive oil, and finally a cold cucumber quiche (keep in mind, this is just the starter course(s)). All of this is then followed by a toast with raki (pronounced rakoo), which is “Turkish uzo”, so a licorice-flavored 90 proof liquor mixed with water so it turns white. For the main course I had the traditional doner kebab (strips of lamb in a tasty brown sauce over cubes of bread and a yogurt dipping sauce. We ended the meal with slices of watermelon and nectarines. After all of this food and the travelling (and in the case of some folks, all the raki) everyone was ready to head to bed for the next morning was our grand tour of Istanbul.
Chef’s Tasting Menu at the Copper Beech Inn
So for our last night in Connecticut we decided to stay close to home and eat at the restaurant at the Inn. The chef is Tyler Anderson who seems to be quite the up and coming chef so we were excited to try his food. We came down for our reservations at 7pm and asked for the chef’s tasting menu, we were told to each select two starters, an entree and a dessert from their prix fixe menu  that we would then get small portions of each of our own selections plus the other’s selection, and that would be our tasting menu (which was great because there was a lot of stuff that looked tasty on there we wanted to try).
First Course
Second Course
Third Course
Fourth Course
Fifth Course
All of the food was delicious, light and flavorful and using fresh, local ingredients, so definitely a win in my book 🙂
Long weekend in Connecticut – Day 3
Sunday morning we met with Jeremy’s mom at the Inn for breakfast (he had lemon ricotta hot cakes, his mom had the spinach, mushroom and goat cheese omelet and I had the eggs benedict) before heading out for a day of exploring. Our first stop was the Submarine Force Museum, home of the USS Nautilus. It was rather fun driving through Groton, since in so many ways it’s like driving through Norfolk with all of the military presence. The Nautilus is one cool vessel, and in addition to being able to tour about half of the vessel we also watched a video on the history of submarines in the US military (more interesting than it sounds 😉 ). For pics of the Nautilus check out the Flickr set.
After we finished our tour there we decided to stop for lunch, at Jeremy’s mom’s recommendation, at Abbott’s Lobster in the Rough. (All the photos from lunch are up on Flickr)
This place would be really hard to find without GPS (yay for the Droid and it’s excellent navigational skills 😉 ), but is well worth seeking out. They are only open between Memorial Day and Labor Day for lunch and dinner but even on a Sunday the parking lot was full, with cars from all over New England. There’s a walk up counter where you place your order after selecting what you’d like from the large wooden menu out front, then you take your order to “the long red counter” around the corner to get your drinks and soups then the rest of your order will be called over the loudspeaker when it’s ready. There is some seating inside a screened porch but the majority is outside at picnic tables either under a tent or next to the shore.
We opted for an open table near the water where we split clam chowder (broth based, no cream, just clams, potatoes, and broth, simple but good), lobster bisque, a “hot” lobster roll (pretty much consisting solely of lumps of lobster meat on a buttered and toasted hamburger roll) and a lobster salad roll (tasty chunks of lobster with mayo and celery on a buttered and toasted hot dog roll). I had never had a lobster roll of any sort and I think this was definitely a great introduction, both were amazingly tasty and the pieces of lobster were huge! Definitely a place to seek out if you are a lobster fan.
After lunch we headed to Mystic, home of the Mystic Aquarium (as well as some humorously named stores spinning off of the town’s name such as “Optimystic Eyewear”). The aquarium, though a bit pricey ($28 adult admission) was fun and full of people.
They had a cool jellyfish exhibit along with outdoor exhibits for seals, beluga whales, and penguins, and of course lots of fish (all the aquarium pics are up on Flickr). After we toured the Aquarium we decided to head back, via “the scenic way” to the Inn before our dinner at 7pm. Jeremy wanted to take the ferry so we made our way there along the beautiful back country roads and just barely made it onto the last ferry of the day, as we pulled onto the small 9-car ferry the ferryman shut the gate (the ferry closes at 5pm we got there at 4:59).
Next adventure is dinner at the Copper Beech Inn dining room where we’re planning on having the chef’s tasting menu, yum!
Long weekend in Connecticut – Days 1 and 2
When Jeremy and I heard that his cousin Lara was getting married in Connecticut a few months ago we decided to make a long weekend out of the trip (leave Friday, return Monday) and take the train up and back. This was the first time I had the opportunity to ride the train (Amtrak to be specific) for a long distance in the US (had ridden overnight in France and Italy before but never in the States). Jeremy and I left the Williamsburg station around 10am and almost 12 hours later stepped off the train in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. Overall the train is definitely a pretty nice way to travel, especially when you spring the extra $40 for business class seats, more legroom, quieter, a little footrest, it’s the little things that make it nice 😉 We called the local cab company when we arrived and they sent out their only cab to pick us up and we headed to the Copper Beech Inn driven by a nice guy who had grown up in (as he said) “Bad News” (aka Newport News) so we all chatted about the area for our 10 minute drive to the bed and breakfast. Cabs are a bit expensive (was $20 for the 10 minute ride) but didn’t have too many other options at 9:30 at night. We checked in and promptly went to sleep, who would’ve thought sitting for 11+ hours would make you so tired?
The next morning we enjoyed the Inn’s tasty full sit-down breakfast in the glassed in patio, Jeremy had the Bread Pudding French Toast and I had an omelet with leeks, bacon, mushrooms and cheddar cheese, very tasty. Since we had no means of transportation yet we called the cab again to take us to the rental car place after breakfast, picked up our swingin’ Toyota Corolla and then just wandered around the various little towns for the afternoon. Our first attempted lunch stop  (per Yelp’s high recommendation) was the River Tavern in Chester but, after multiple attempts and drive-bys, we were unable to find the restaurant, there’s an empty lot at 23 Main Street so apparently only locals are allowed to find it. Instead, we stopped at the Whistle Stop Cafe, very cute little place (literally little), with one main inside room and then picnic tables under a permanent tent in the back. Since it was cool outside (low 70s or so) figured it was nice enough to eat outside so even before we sat down the only waitress got our drink order and told us to take a seat anywhere. Jeremy ordered the Reuben (which he left no trace of) and I ordered the “Mr. Okinawa” which was a tuna melt with tomato and bacon on rye, also very tasty. The sandwiches came with either chips or a salad, and since on the train ride up the day before we had only eaten cheese and crackers and trail mix I figured I should get some greens in so I ordered the salad, which was surprisingly tasty for a small side-of-the-road-cafe salad, it was simple with tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, carrots and a spring mix with balsamic dressing but I guess I must’ve been missing those vitamins.
We headed back to the Inn after lunch for a nap before the wedding at 4:30 that afternoon. The couple picked a gorgeous location for their ceremony and reception at the pavilion in Rocky Neck State Park. The pavilion is a huge two story stone structure built in the 1930’s through the Works Progress Administration (which was created to provide jobs after the Great Depression). The bride was beautiful, the rain held off, and the ceremony and reception were great, it seemed like everyone had a really nice time, my best wishes to Lara and Dan!
Pictures to come…
spring cleaning
So the cleaning bug struck today, fueled by the fact that I have folks coming to visit later this week, and 6 hours later I am done! The whole downstairs was cleaned and (not planned but excited about it) rearranged. I needed to move my futon into the bonus room for my guests to sleep on (the air mattress in there has some hidden leak, so not so comfortable for a full night’s sleep) so I decided to take the opportunity to shuffle things around downstairs and do some things I’ve been meaning to do for a while (like hang up pictures and plates I’ve had for months and years respectively).
Here are the results:

View of the kitchen window, added one of the extra dining room chairs here for random seating and hung the Campell's soup picture next to the door.

Plates I got when I was in Greece, they are terra cotta with colored glass inside. These are hanging in the powder room downstairs now.

This is a buffet acquired at a yard sale that my mom and I refinished about 2 years ago, it was behind the dining room table before but actually fits perfectly under the stairs. The glass vases in the center are ones I got in Venice.

So moved the dining room table from being catty-cornered to up against the wall and then moved the 2 extra chairs to various other spots in the room.

So everything in the living room is now catty-cornered a bit and I think it really opens everything up rather than having things pushed up against the wall. My mom and I made all of those pillows (there are so many because we made some for the futon too). Behind the chair is my bar from Crate and Barrel a bunch of my friends got me as a house warming present, love that thing! and it gets a lot of use as glass and wine storage.
And there was also vaccuming and bathroom cleaning as well. As I was cleaning I realized I hadn’t posted pics of my master bath since I’d redone it over Thanksgiving, so since this is apparently my “behold my house” post, here it is:

Before: (well almost, this is the guest bath which looks the exact same as the master did, just mirrored)

After: shower curtain rather than glass doors, storage under the sink, fun modern lighting, love it. I always thought the free-standing bowl sinks were cool so when I found this one at Lowes (on sale!) as a package with the granite top and cabinet, I knew I had to get it. Found the lights at Home Depot and the mirrors at Target.
pasta from scratch
So tonight I made my first use of a Christmas present from my parents, the pasta attachments for my Kitchenaid mixer. Jeremy had some leftover sausage from the volleyball party last night and I had lots of frozen veggies and an interest in trying out the pasta machine.
The “recipe” consisted of 2 cups of flour (I ended up using bread flour because I didn’t have enough all-purpose), a pinch of salt and three eggs.
Got to make the fun well in the flour and mixed the eggs into that, then incorporated the flour, kneaded it for about 2 minutes then let it rest for 20.
Next the dough was sent it through the machine, giving the it extra kneading by folding it in half and running it through the widest setting a few times then gradually decreased the thickness on the machine the next three passes through, then cutting it with the fettucini-sized noodle cutter.
Jeremy sauteed up the sausage, I got the vegetables and garlic prepped, the pasta was put in boiling water for about 4 minutes and was ready.
Everything was mixed together and topped with some fresh Parmesan cheese and we were good to go for a tasty dinner (and leftovers for lunch tomorrow).
So if ever you think making your own pasta is difficult, like I once did, do not fear! three ingredients and just a few steps and you’re well on your way to tasty fresh (and cheap!) pasta 🙂