So it’s been a ridiculously long interlude since my last post so the next few posts are a quick rundown of what I’ve been up to.

SXSW 2011First, I went to South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive in Austin in March with Jeremy, that was a blast.

I had my first food truck encounter (so good!), met a bunch of the Foursquare development team, got to go in as a VIP to the Foursquare party (we were waiting in line and one of the guys at the door recognized us from the earlier Superuser meetup and he pulled us in), saw a screening of “Win Win” with Paul Giamatti (including seeing the cast in person after the show at a Q&A), and went to tons of sessions ranging from social media and location-based services to keynote talks by Dennis Crowley (CEO of Foursquare), Felicia Day (of The Guild and Dr. Horrible fame) and Guy Kawasaki (former Product Evangelist for Apple).

Since this is one of (if not the) biggest general tech conference in the country it was definitely a bit overwhelming (lots of people, lots of social interaction, lots of networking) but I came out of it with some fun ideas to bring back to the College and got to meet up with some fellow W&M alums who were either attending or presenting at the conference.